
Autumn Term 2023

Autumn 1

English - We are learning about how to use correct punctuation and grammar. We are revising how to correctly form our letters. We are writing non-chronological reports about Minibeasts and Fairytale characters. 

Home reading books will be changed on Mondays. Please make sure that reading books are in school daily as we will be reading with small groups throughout the week.  

Our library day is Monday. 

Phonics - We have started Twinkl phonics level 6 and are recapping some Level 5 sounds. 

Maths - We will be ensuring we know our numbers upto 100 including writing the number words, finding 1 more and 1 less, counting forwards and backwards. We will be looking at place value and ensuring we know how many tens and how many ones are in numbers upto 100.  We will be adding and subtracting using numbers to 20 including missing number calculations e.g. 5 + ? = 9. We will be learning our number bonds to 10 and then 20.

Science - We are looking at Minibeasts and their habitats. 

PE - We are practicing our ball skills.  Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays and children should come in their PE clothes. 

Geography - We are comparing Darwen with Tulum in Mexico.

DT We are looking at healthy food and making healthy wraps. 

RE - We are looking at the Church and why is the church a special place to Christians? 

ICT - The children will be learning about staying safe online and coding. 

Music - We are looking at Afropop and music from South Africa. 

PSHE - We are leanring abour staing safe online. 


Autumn 2 

English - We have been looking at the fable - 'The Bridge' and other fables. We have been writing our own fables. We have been reading the story 'The day the crayons quit' by Drew DeWalt and writing our own complaint letters and persuasive letters. We have also been learning about and writing different styles of poems about colours. 

Home reading books will be changed on Mondays. Please make sure that reading books are in school daily as we will be reading with small groups throughout the week.  

Our library day is Monday. 

Phonics - Weare continuing with Twinkl phonics level 6.

Maths - We have been learning different strategies to add and subtract with numbers to 100. We have been naming 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. 

Science - We are looking at Everyday Materials. Naming different types of materials and their properties. We ahbe been learning about the process of recycling. 

PE - We habe been learning dances for our school nativity. We have been doing games with the sports coach. Our PE day is Thursday this half term and children should come in their PE clothes. 

History - We have been looking at how technology has changed our lives over the last 60 years. 

Art  We have been looking at creating textures using a variety of techniques and materials. We have created our own character and storyboard. We are also creating Christmas crafts. 

RE - We are looking at Why was the birth of Jesus such good news?

ICT - The children will be learning about spreadsheets. 

Music - We have been learning lots of songs for our school nativity.

PSHE - We are looking at Money matters which includes learning about where we get money, should we spend or save and what is the difference between need and want.