Fantastic Book Awards and Brilliant Book Awards

Fantastic Book Awards

We run Lancashire Schools Library Service Fantastic Book Awards every year for Year 5. This is a great opportunity for a group of children to not only broaden their own reading, but to become book ambassadors to their class and to the whole school. The judging panel of five children read each of the five novels in our category independently, which usually takes from September to around March, and the books are discussed in weekly lunchtime meetings. Once we've chosen our winner for the year we present the books in an assembly to KS2 children, which is always very much enjoyed. All the books we have been reading will then go into the library for everyone to enjoy, and we then wait anxiously to hear whether other schools agreed with our choice. 


Brilliant Book Awards

Brilliant Book Awards is for Year 2, and follows a slightly different format to the Fantastic Book Awards and runs from January to May. We receive four books; two picturebooks and two early chapterbooks. Four children are chosen to form the judging panel, and they are encouraged to read the books with their familes as well as independently. They attend a weekly lunchtime meeting to chat about the books. In addition a set of the books stays in the Year 2 classroom and are read to all of the children by the class teacher. Both the voting panel and the whole class get to choose their winner. We then present the books to all of KS1 in an assembly when we have the final voting results from schools all across Lancashire.


You can find out more about the awards at the Lancashire School Libraries Libraries Service site here