Websites to Help Mathematics
Times Tables Grid from the BBC. Knowing times tables is very important.
Woodlands Maths Zone is a great page from a school in Kent.
Websites to help English
Woodlands English Zone is a good page from a school in Kent.
Kids Thesaurus Be careful it is an American site and some spellings might be wrong.
Websites to help Science
Manchester University has a great site for children's digestive system.
Kidshealth explains how the digestive system works.
Digestion Find out how digestion works.
ICT Games have activities about the body.
Healthy Eating from the BBC
Explore your digestive system with the Open University
Science Castle explains how animal classification works.
Features for animal classification.
San Diego Zoo explains how animals are classified.
KidZone teaches the easy way to classify animals.
Teeth from Manchester University
Teeth from the BBC
More Teeth from BBC
Websites to help our Topic Work
Anglo Saxon Kings Facts from the BBC.
King Athelstan Information from the Athelstan Museum
Northern Lighthouse Board This website gives information about many of Scotland's lighthouses.
Lighthouse Beacons of Scotland Another website that helps to sort Scotland's lighthouses into the part of the country they can be found.