Elephants 2023 - 2024

Miss Briggs

Mrs Hartley

Mrs Crooks



           Dear Elephant class member and family,

Welcome to Year 4.  I am looking forward to an exciting and happy year ahead in your class. We have lots of great things to look forward to but I’m sure you have some questions which I will try to answer.

What topics will I be learning about?

We will be learning about Film & Animation, Electricity, Forces, Slavery, Law & Order, Saxon King, Our Planet and much more.

Who will be working in my class?

I will be your teacher, Miss Briggs and Miss Ahmed are our teaching assistants in Year 4 and Mrs Hartley teaches you on a Thursday morning and Mrs Crooks also works in our class.

What do you need to bring to school and when?

• Please bring your reading book bag to school each day and we will change your books on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday if they are completed. You should be reading every day so if you have finished a book and it is not a change day then read your own books and make a note in your reading diary of the extra reading you are doing. Make sure you ask an adult to sign your reading diary to let us know when and how you have read – diaries that are not signed will mean your book will not be changed.

• PE kits need to be worn to school on our PE days which are Tuesday and Friday each week until January and then it will be swimming on a Monday and P.E on Friday (if you wear earrings make sure you take them out for PE days and swimming days for health and safety reasons).

• Please bring a clearly named water bottle each day with fresh water in.

• Make sure all your clothes are clearly named especially coats and jumper/cardigans as we cannot return lost property if it is not named.

• Make sure you have a suitable coat in school every day as we will have lessons and break time outside in all kinds of weather.

What do I need to do at home to help me learn?

Every half term you will be given a homework book with a homework grid made up with lots of different homework tasks which you need to complete over that half term. You will also get some spellings to practice at home in a spellings folder which you need to bring in each Monday so that the new spellings can be put in them. Your spelling test will take place on a Monday.  Make sure you bring your homework book back to school on a Friday each week so that your homework can be marked.

You are growing up now so it is more your responsibility to do your homework and be trusted that you are trying your best just as you would in class.

In Year 4 it is really important that you practice your Multiplications – there are lots of ways to do this including using TTRockstars and you can work your way up the TTRockstars leader board in class.

What day can I visit the library with my class?

Our class library time will be on a Thursday so remember to bring your library books back so that you can borrow another exciting book.

What else can I do?

As you know you have a Record of Achievement file in school which is to celebrate your achievements. It would be great if you have any out of school achievements to be included into this file. Things like swimming awards, Brownies/Cubs etc.

This can also go on our ‘At the Oscars’ wall.

If your parents ever want to talk to me tell them they can. They can telephone me or email me on 

[email protected]

I am looking forward to this year and wish you a successful and happy year in Year 4.

Let’s work together to make this the best year ever!


Miss Entwistle

What's The Crime, Mr Wolf?


Meet the Team


Termly Newsletter



Elephants: News items

Xmas Post Box, by Mr Matthews

Launch of new website, by Mr Matthews

Girl's Football Team, by Mr Matthews

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